What am I supposed to do with this massive stick in my hands? #grogz

The Realms Faire and Joust, a blogstravaganza hosted by M. Pax and lots of other great bloggers, has begun, and this wayward knight needs your help!  I'm precariously perched on a pony with a reaallllly long stick in my hand, and I have no idea what to do with it. You can keep me from getting pummeled by getting thee to the daily Joust and leaving a comment that includes the words "three" and "divine".

When you leave a comment at M.Pax's post by 8pm EST, you'll be automatically entered to win that day's prize package. The joust is going on all week with a new prize each day. I'm one of Monday's featured knights (with a little story about how Lady Elson came to be), so Monday's prize includes a choice of eBooks from both me and Mary Waibel as well as what you see below (angel wing earrings, set of 4 chalice charms & beaded angel wing bookmark):

Huzzah! And thank you.

Also, happy Veterans Day!  Where would we be without all the courageous and selfless men and women who put themselves on the line for us every day?


Julie Flanders said…
Love the Kitty knight pic! Good luck! :)
Slay the red dot. LOL #grogz Huzzah!
StratPlayerCJF said…
Ah, yes -- 'tis noble Sir Friskyboots, the greatest red dot slayer in all the realm!

Why look -- I'm commenter number three. How divine!
Johanna Garth said…
LOL! I think I've seen that kitty sans the chain mail, pouncing on red dots :)
Jay Noel said…
Good luck in the tournament!

And that is one awesome prize.
Janie Junebug said…
I accidentally commented twice. Will I be slain?

M Pax said…
You seem to have learned what to do with the stick well, Lady Elson. Good show!
Crystal Collier said…
So awesome. Have I mention how amazing I think this whole event is? SOOOOOOOOO COOOOOOOOOOL!!!!
~Sia McKye~ said…
I love the kitty knight. Ah, yes, that red dot drives them nutz. I have red lens on one of my flash lights. I kept wondering why the inside part of the pride would be over by one of the walls in the living room. Mice? (god forbid) It took me awhile to figure out that this wall was where I always ended the chase the light. Lol! Guess they were trying to see where it was hiding.

I second the thought on our veterans.

Sia McKye Over Coffee

~Sia McKye~ said…
Nicki--I enjoyed your post over at Mary's site--except the dagger in the hart. Poor thing. :-)

I would have commented there except...I have never figured out how to comment on her blog since she changed it around. I've tried but I can't seem to get it.Sigh...

Sia McKye Over Coffee

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