Art Imitates Art (or Squees in a Museum)

This is just a random post to share some writerly giddiness I had yesterday when my kids and I made an impromptu visit to the city to wander the galleries of the Art Institute of Chicago. I have a little story I've written called "Impressionism 101" that's very special to me. I wrote it for a contest called Silly, Sexy & Supernatural, which the story ended  up winning. Then I submitted 500 words of it to D.L's WRiTE Club and it made it through a few rounds. Then I was blessed to have it chosen for publication last year in the debut issue of Insatiable: The Magazine of Paranormal Desire. But even if not for all this, I'd still love the damn thing. 

Anyhow, the story is told through paintings that are part of the institute's collection, and yesterday, front and center as we entered the Impressionism gallery. lookie what two painting just so happened to be hanging right next to each other---my main characters! I know I've been lax on the blog lately (buried in a work project, sorry) but I just wanted to share the silly, authorly thrill of discovering that these two are getting their happy-ever-after. :)

Opening paragraph, Impressionism 101
I’ve been stealing glances at him for the last two weeks.  Always reclined back in his chair with his elbow resting on the table, a cigarette perched between his finger and his thumb. Most of us are just so stiff and formal in here, especially me with my hands crossed demurely over my velvet coat and my hair pinned up properly under my hat as I sit on the terrace with my baby sister. His aspect is much more appealing. I wish I could lounge like that in a rumpled white T-shirt and rowing pants, smoking a cigarette and relaxing with friends.

Speaking of art, on Wednesday artist and writer Michael Di Gesu announced that he's offering wonderful new services for authors! Need a crafty blurb, clever book cover reveal, editing or book cover design? He's your man. 

Also, if you're interested in reading the whole of "Impressionism 101" plus other great paranormal quickies, I'm offering up an opportunity to get your hands on a print copy of Insatiable

Okay back to work for me, but I'll be around soon to visit your place!


Congratulations on the success with your story! I think it sounds really interesting, especially about how the young woman wishes she could relax like the guy can. I love the Impressionists' paintings at the Art Institute. Every time I go to that museum, I visit the Impressionists first. My favorite painting is Paris Street; Rainy Day by Caillebotte.
They highlighted your characters and didn't even know it!
D.G. Hudson said…
Are those Renoir paintings?

We saw an exhibition of some of his work here in Vancouver and at the Musee d'Orsay in Paris. I like your choice of artist and the paintings selected.

I would call that fate. Sometimes fate and coincidence can find common purpose.
M Pax said…
I miss art museums... the only drawback to living in the middle of the wilderness.
Jennifer Lane said…
Way to take in the Chicago culture! How did your kids enjoy it? I'll keep in mind Michael's new bizness.
Anonymous said…
I can't wait to read this. Well done Nicki. I still owe you and I'll pay up sooner than later.
Anonymous said…
I can't wait to read this. Well done Nicki. I still owe you and I'll pay up sooner than later.
Michael Di Gesu said…
WOW... how cool Congrats Nicki!!!!

LOVE THE IMPRESSIONISTS! MY absolute favorite time in art history!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the shout out! I so appreciate it!

Have a great weekend!
Michael Di Gesu said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Misha Gerrick said…
That's indeed a major buzz. Best of luck with your work project!
dolorah said…
That was your excerpt? It was one of my favorites of the entire series. I'm glad the piece found a home and won some awards. Awesome.

Julie Flanders said…
This is awesome! I love the Art Institute and the Impressionists are my favorites. Would love to go again now and see these paintings with your story in my head. Love it!
Suze said…
That would give me happy tingles. What a cool post, Veebie.

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