Angelic Quickies & Guide to Giveaways

I know the massive hop featuring the angels of Omnific Publishing got a little hairy to find your way through, so today I give you the quick & dirty version, which includes direct links to each of the 4 separate giveaways:

The sweethearts at The Book Bellas incorporated lots of Divine Temptation goodies into one post. There you will find an interview with my angel, an excerpt, AND you can enter to win a paperback copy of DT plus pretty angel swag. 

Read Everything and Discuss provides a snippet on each of our angel books, and if you scroll down past all that, you'll get to speed-date each of us authors.  Plus, this post includes TWO of the four giveaways, featuring books by Carol Oates and Patricia Leever + angel swag.

Wild and Wordy Women features Debra Anastasia (and Satan Jack - who got charmingly naughty at our Twitter party last night) and gives a direct link to the giveaway of her books plus bonus swag.   

Have a great weekend!


Mark Means said…
Looks like a pretty big undertaking, best of luck with it! :)

Have a great weekend.

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