Who's Up for a Scavenger Hunt?

We're kicking off the Omnilicious Twitter Party, happening on Twitter tomorrow, May 31 at 7 - 9ish EST, a little early with a Scavenger Hunt at the participating authors' websites. The prizes will be ePacks of the authors' romance books, including a Young Adult ePack, New Adult ePack, Contemporary Adult ePack, and Paranormal Adult ePack and they'll be given away throughout the Twitter party.

All you have to do is follow the links to the blogs listed below and collect the numbered letters that will spell the secret word. Don't forget to pick up the letter in this post before you go:

As soon as you’ve worked out the word, enter both the word and your Twitter handle into the form below.  Good luck!

Ready, set...GO!

Author Blogs:


Kittie Howard said…
This is one of those times when I wish I hadn't dropped Twitter. But there was too much spam stuff (and I'm not tech-savvy enough to deal with that). But I hope your party is a huge success!
Debra Anastasia said…
Can't wait to party!!
Suze said…
I'm with Kittie, Nick. Here's to a huge success!

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