Oh, Sweet Mother

On an e-mail thread with some of my Omnific Publishing sisters, we got to talking about how great our mums are, and we cooked up the idea of doing a group post next Thursday in honor of Mother's Day---just a short post from each of us about how our mom, grandma, mother-figure, or a mother character, either from one of our own books or another, has supported or influenced our writing in any way. And you're all invited to join us!

It's super casual (so caszh we didn't even make an icon, imagine that) so all you have to do is write up your mother post, post it, and then mosey over to the Omnific Publishing blog next Thursday, May 9, and enter your link into the Blog Bounce before hopping around for some heartwarming mother love.  We're unofficially calling it One Mother of a Blog Hop.

Here are a couple Tweetables, if you are so inclined:

What are you giving your mom this Mother's Day? How about a blog post especially for her?  http://ow.ly/kF4zJ

How has your mom (or gramma or fictional mom) influenced your writing experience? Tell us next Thursday, May 9. http://ow.ly/kF4qW

Speaking of sweet mothers, the sassy and all around wonderful mom-among-other-things known as Janie Junebug has had me over for a two-part interview at her blog. She's read my latest release, Divine Temptation, and so she's asked some great specific questions without giving away spoilers. Here's Part I of the interview, and here's Part II. Her review is coming soon. :)


Funny name for a blogfest, Nicki!
Unknown said…
My mom has been very supportive, listening to my stories beyond the point most of my other family members would. I dedicated my first book to her.
Suze said…
Moms deserve honor. Really nice idea, babe. Over to read the interviews at Junie's.
D.G. Hudson said…
A celebration of Moms around this time of year is always a good idea!

I wished I had asked my own Mom earlier to write her life events in a book. She's gone now, and there will always be bits of her life I won't know. C'est la vie. But I do regret.
Janie Junebug said…
My mom's departed this Earth. I wonder if Jesus Himself can do anything that pleases her. No one else could.

Anonymous said…
Great idea -- seriously, where would we be without our mothers?
Cherie Colyer said…
I'm looking forward to this hop. Thanks for posting the info on it!
I never know what to give my mother for Mother's Day. I think that one year I gave her a new set of glasses, but that's partly because I accidentally broke a couple from her old set.
By the way, I took a break from blogging for a while, but I answered your questions. Thanks again for the award!
Tammy Theriault said…
too cute! such good ideas to celebrate mothers:)

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