The Next Big Thing - Question #1

I've been tagged by Jennifer Lane in THE NEXT BIG THING blog challenge to answer 10 questions about my current work in progress. The challenge was started by Gail Baugniet, and the idea is to answer one question each week and by that point have your WIP moved on to the next phase. I'll base my answers on my novel that was recently accepted for publication by Omnific Publishing.  By the end of the 10 weeks I hope to have  it through the meatiest part of the editing process.  Okay, first question...

1. What is the working title of your book?

Divine Temptation

How does that strike you?  This one didn't come easy for me. Do you remember way back when I first started thinking of titles and threw out three (horrible) options?  With the help of a few friends & experts, we came up with this one and I like it much, much better, and I hope you do too.   
Apparently I'm not the only author to have trouble picking a title.  Jane Austen's original title for  Pride and Prejudice was First Impressions, and did you know Twilight author Stephenie Meyer wanted to call that first book Forks?  And can we talk about J.K. Rowling's upcoming adult novel---The Casual Vacancy? Is it just me, or is that a really awful title? But then, I guess she can call her books whatever the heck she wants.

Part of The Next Big Thing is to tag 5 other bloggers, but it stresses me out to much to have to pick only 5 of you, so I'd like each of you to answer the weekly question in the comments below.  Or if you'd like to answer these questions at your own blog on your own schedule, below is a list of the upcoming questions so you can take them & run with 'em.  I'll be answering my questions on Thursdays, so if you want to commit to the same, let me know and I'll link to your blog in future posts so others can read your answers.

2. Where did the idea come from for the book?
3. What genre does your book fall under?
4. Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
5. What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
6. Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
7. How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
8. What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
9. Who or What inspired you to write this book?
10. What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

Also, if you're looking for bloghops happening September & October, scroll down a bit on my sidebar for four fun ones.


I'd participate, but after reading the questions, most of my answers would be lame!
Luanne G. Smith said…
I like that title. And, yes, titles are very difficult for me. I've finished projects without ever having a working title. My file name for those usually reads Untitled.doc. Not the most inspiring, huh?

Suze said…
As I looked over the questions, which are stimulating, I wondered if I would answer regarding the book I am currently querying or the book for which I'm doing research. Obv., seven would only apply to a completed ms but I'm trying to make the transition, mentally, from one project to another, I think.

It's a huge, huge step for me. To move on from one of the three novels which have dominated all of my publishing efforts for a long time to something completely different.

Ah, the travails of the aspiring .... ;)

Btw, I have read your comments on the WRiTE Club entries and asked myself again and again, okay why aren't Nick and I crit partners??

Sarah Glover said…
I'm in!! Can't wait to read Divine Temptations, my dear. And oh lord, titles -- the kiss of death. Don't know how many I bandied about for Grave Refrain -- drove poor CJ around the twist. I think I still owe her a rather large glass of wine...

Heather Murphy said…
Ooh, I like the title Divine Temptation! I can't wait to read it!!! I'll have to check in on Thursdays to hear more :)
Jennifer Lane said…
I think it's a great title, dear. Well done! Titles are STRESSFUL. Almost as stressful as covers! I'm so glad you're doing the challenge, and that sounds like a good goal to get the bulk of the first edit done in 10 weeks.

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