80s Sighting: Vindication That It's Not Just Me

In my past year of blogging, I've been tickled (pretty in) pink to discover that other authors I've met here have also set their books in the 80s.  Susan Oolier, Karen Gowen, and Elliot Grace to name a few.  And then this summer I finally got to devour two popular books I'd been wanting to read and guess what---1980s, that's what!

And so I've been inspired to create my very first Listopia at Goodreads in which I include books that have been written this millennium and set at least partially in the 80s.  Please check it out and add more titles or at least vote for your favorites among those already listed. Thanks!


The 80's are the new classics!
Unknown said…
Thanks for sharing these, Nicki. I have considered setting my next book in the 80's. It's good to know there are some out there during this time period. I'll be sure to check em out. All the best.
The '80s were definitely a different time to celebrate life. So many memories....
Luanne G. Smith said…
You know I love the '80's still. And now I'm off to check if we're friends on Goodreads yet. . .
Do you think Gen Xers are growing nostalgic for their youth? I'm a Gen Xer, and my forthcoming novel Twinned Universes involves time travel back to 1980. But I chose that year because of a key event that happened then.

I'll have to check out that list on Goodreads.
Arlee Bird said…
The 80s was a great decade for me. So many great memories! It's fun to read about times I lived through to see how those memories compare to my own.

Wrote By Rote
The 80's were a great decade! I would love to find more books set then. I'll check out that Goodreads group you mentioned!
Johanna Garth said…
Gonna check those out. I bet my book group would love some of those.
Heather Murphy said…
Ooh, I need to check these out! Thanks
Susan Oloier said…
I will always love the 80s and loved your book, as well.
Thanks for adding my book to the list, Nicki (and for creating it).
Good timing! I've been looking for new stuff to read, to the point that I've been reading old advice columns on the Internet just to have something to read.
I don't remember much of the 80s, since I was only about eight when that decade ended. But it would be interesting to read about them, and maybe see if the 80s really were like they were in Pretty in Pink or Fast Times. :)
Suze said…
Check it out!

One of my all-time faves. You will LOVE it, Nick.

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