Extra! Extra!

The Omnific Publishing Freedom Sale has just started and will run through July 31. Kindle editions of select adult titles are now only $2.99 (normally $6.99).

I'm of course thrilled to have Three Daves included in the sale, and the "Freedom" theme is fitting.  As I've said in various guest posts, the reason I chose a college setting for the story was because of the freedom it allows---freedom from daily scrutiny by the Ps and freedom from having to be a completely responsible adult. I spent the freedom of my college years at Eastern Illinois University and so it was only natural for many of the campus buildings and bars to find their way into the story.

You can find a full list of sale titles on my sidebar along with links to purchase. I've talked about some of the titles here on my blog, including Indivisible, Seers of Light, The Guardian's Wildchild, and With Good Behavior.  All great reads, and now's the perfect time to check them out or at least get them on your Kindle for future reading. See previews of all the titles at Omnific Publishing's You Tube Channel.

Let freedom ring, baby!


Suze said…
An *excellent* point about the flexibility and freedom provided by the setting for your novel. And nice way to tie it into the holiday theme, girly!
Love the tweets! Very clever. Tweeting now...
DL Hammons said…
Can't believe I wasn't following you on Twitter. Oversight corrected! :)
Susan Oloier said…
You're entitled to be marketty. I just tweeted! Loved Three Daves. In fact, I realized I never wrote a review. Got to get on that.
Yay! Will check it out! Thanks for letting us know about this sale.
dolorah said…
I think I got an e-mail about this. Shame I've already got my 3 Daves book. Now I just have to read it . .

Misha Gerrick said…
Sounds like a great read. Hope it sells well! :-D

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