Ahoy Maties!

Today author Feather Stone sets sail across the blogosphere to let you know more about her fantastic dystopian romance, The Guardian's Wildchild.  I read this book last year...a few times, actually, as I was the developmental editor...and fell in love with Feather's gorgeous writing and the spirit of this story.

I've read others' reviews and the consensus seems to be that The Guardian's Wildchild is a refreshingly unique book.  For myself I can say that it's not like anything else I've ever read and even several months later, this story resonates with me.

Below is an excerpt of my review on Goodreads, which you can click on to read the whole shebang.  And be sure to stop by Feather's blog today, where our cruise director has lots of fun planned for you.


Not often you find a book that's completely original. Congratulations to Feather!
Jennifer Lane said…
I'm just starting this novel and I'm with you--this story is completely original! Feather describes the genre as "beef stew" in our interview, ha ha.
Suze said…
Bring beauty back.

I like.
dolorah said…
Great review. Originality is hard to attain in writing.

Congratulations to Feather :)

Janie Junebug said…
I wish I were named Feather. Do you think I can change my name for the umpteenth time?

Janie Lola Junebug
Tara Tyler said…
what a great review!
added to tbr list =)

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