80s Sighting: No Limit Arcade

Just when I was thinking I ought to do some sort of reminder post about the big Tumble 4 Ya blogfest this Friday, I got hit with another 80s sighting!  This morning the local news featured the No Limit Arcade in Algonquin, IL, featuring 80s arcade games: Pac Man, Frogger, Asteroids, TRON, Space Invaders, Ms. Pac Man, Robotron...and I'm sure I'll suck at them just as much now as I did then.  What's especially cool though is that the teens are digging the retro video games too.  My 14 year old can't wait to go---but he's holding out for verification on Donkey Kong.

Here's a graphic from the No Limit Arcade website to get you into 80s mode while you write up your post telling us all about your 80s Celebrity Crush for the Tumble 4 Ya fest on Friday (sign-up is conveniently below if you still need to do that).  I'm totally pumped, stoked & psyched to see who y'all pick.

Look at all these 80s babes we're going to get to look at!


I don't live too far from there; I think my husband and I should do a date night there!
Hope Roberson said…
This is such a fun idea! Looking forward to posting (again, since I'm a spaz) more 80's hunks!
DL Hammons said…
I have my crush all picked out and I'm ready to go. I'll have to post twice on that day as WRiTE CLUB will have another bout that day, but I'll make sure to leave bread crumbs! :)
Suze said…
Huge Galaga fan. Massive.

Can't wait to read everyone's answers, this Friday!
Heather Murphy said…
This arcade sounds like "the bomb"! Too bad it's' so far away:(
I play a mean Ms. Pacman
Anonymous said…
I'm pretty much set to go. Just have to put on my cheap sunglasses, wear them at night, and fill out my outline.
Anne Gallagher said…
Sounds like a great place! Too bad I sucked at all of them. I used to play pinball.
Tara Tyler said…
my little guy plays frogger on my ipad. he's awesome at angry birds but frogger is HARD! ha!

looking forward to fest friday!
Stephsco said…
Have you seen the documentary The King of Kong? Even if you know nothing about old arcade games, it's a fascinating look at competitive Donkey Kong (YES, IT'S REAL). It's one of those docs that takes a subject you could care less about and suddenly you are championing the cause of the underdog. IN this case, one guy couldn't get his score recognized by the official score keepers, which basically consists of a couple of aging hardcore nerds. It is so worth watching for the spectacle of characaters alone.
Arlee Bird said…
I'm ready

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out
Twitter: @AprilA2Z
Susan Oloier said…
Like, that's so totally cool! I just signed up for your blogfest. How fun!!!
Jennifer Lane said…
Getting ready to Tumble 4 Ya!

I challenge ANYONE to take me on for a game of Ms. Pac Man.
Carrie-Anne said…
I'd love to that arcade! Even now I still prefer the old video games over anything modern, the same way I still wish I could be working and playing on my old '84 or '93 Macs. Even if technology is technically superior, there's something really sweet and uncomplicated about earlier forms, when you didn't need tons of special features, special effects, or elaborate artwork.

Duck Hunt from Atari was my favorite vintage video game.
F. Stone said…
80's were busy for me. I was 30 something, going to college fulltime and working fulltime; days off? I did have the occasional day of but I was on call 24 hours. All that fun stuff was a blurr.
Anonymous said…
Who can forget pac man...hehe no one:) I've got my 80s blog going on:)
My post is up. I've visited a few posts already this morning. Pac Man, I spent many hours playing your game.

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