Life, Liberty, and Some other stuff

My daughter's friend Rachel, who also happens to be my friend's daughter, read Life, Liberty, and Pursuit by fellow Omnific author Susan Kaye Quinn, and loved it so much that as soon as she finished---she dove right back in again!

Since LLP is a Young Adult book, and Rachel is a young adult (age 15) I asked her to take a break from her summer reading and reckless cake-baking escapades to write up a review for my blog.  As a thank you, I'm giving her a copy of the Summer Breeze Anthology to benefit Save the Ta-Tas (the anthology just so happens to feature a very sweet short story by Quinn that's a mini-sequel to her novel).

Take it away, my Nirvana-loving friend:

Anyone looking for a good read need not look any further than Life, Liberty and Pursuit by Susan Kaye Quinn. Life, Liberty and Pursuit is the perfect book for anyone who loves a good romance novel. Filled with detail and exceptionally well written, it’s cute without being overly cheesy and unrealistic, and Quinn makes you feel like you know the characters personally. For this, I loved every single page of it.

Life, Liberty and Pursuit keeps the reader hooked from page one, and gives the reader just what they want- a charming love story. As a summer fling turns into a devoted relationship, follow Eliza and David as they embark on a heart-warming journey of finding yourself and following your heart. Life, Liberty and Pursuit is a truly captivating novel that will leave readers with a warm, fuzzy, all around happy feeling by the time it’s over.

Thanks, Rachel!  I'm honored to have you call me "mommer" ;)

Other Stuff

Remember when I told you I'd remind you about voting for my book trailer over at You Gotta Read Videos?  Well, ehe, I neglected to arrange for someone to remind me!  But that's okay, because voting is still going on through 12:01 July 27 CST.  So if you're reading this before then and you like my lil' video (created by the amazing Barb Hallworth & featuring music by Intervox) please do stop by to vote.  You can find Three Daves in the #9 slot.

There's also still time to:

1) Leave a comment at my guest post at Lisa Sanchez's blog and be entered to win a copy of Three Daves.  Cookies go out to: Judy, Michael Di Gesu, Jennifer Lane, Liz Fichera, L. Dian Wolfe, M. Pax, and Theresa Milstein, who've already stopped by. :)      

2) Enter Lisa Galek's Happy Birthday Harry Potter Blogfest to take place this coming Sunday, July 31.  

Lastly, it's Meet an Author Monday!

Your chance to mix & mingle with other authors.
Hop on and hop along.


Jennifer Lane said…
Thanks for the cookie! *nom nom nom* I voted for Three Daves trailer--good luck.

How great to have a Young Adult review Susan's YA novel! I also found it to be a very sweet love story, and was pleased to keep reading the characters' adventures in her short story in the Summer Breeze Anthology. Have a great day, Nicki.
CarolOates said…
It's great to see a teen reviewing YA. Congratulations to Rachel on her review.
I saw your video was up this month - I'll go vote!
Suze said…
Great, fun-filled post .... mommer. :)
Rachel - That is the sweetest review EVER! Thanks so much! (Nicki - send me her address and I'll mail her a bookmark. :)

I voted - good luck! And I've already got my signed copy of the Three Daves, but I'll tweet your contest so other people can get their hands on it!

M Pax said…
Great review by Rachel. I iwll go vote. Good luck from me! :)
Susan Oloier said…
Love the review by Rachel. I need to read Susan's book. Going to put in on my to-read on Goodreads and vote on your trailer.
Tara Tyler said…
yay for nicki!
What a great idea - good job Rachel!!
erica (the aunt and godmother of a 15-year-old girl who happens to be a voracious reader, hmmm...)
I really liked Susan's book. I loaned it to my daughter in law who read it like 3 times. She related to it so much because my son was in Basic at the time. Three Daves is still on my to-read list. I'm waiting for the Celery tree launch to buy my print copy. (I just can't enjoy a paperless book)
Anonymous said…

I also must move Susan's book up in my TBR pile. I love YA and this sounds like the kind of story I could totally love.
Deniz Bevan said…
A great review! Just finished the book myself and I agree - it's a charming love story!
Elliot Grace said…
That's the kind of review writers dream of receiving!

Great post as always, Nicki. I'm a fan ;)

Arlee Bird said…
Your post on Lisa's blog is outstanding.

Tossing It Out
I can't believe I still haven't read Susan's book. Since I read so much fantasy, I forget some of the good ones out there that are not fantasy.

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