Lloyd Dobler - Say Anything |
John Bender - The Breakfast Club |
Recognize these iconic moments from classic 8os films? Each and every one of them get a mention in the 2010 film
Easy A, which itself is a funny, angsty teen film reminiscent of the John Hughes era. It shows that a film---even one centered on sex---doesn't need to resort to inane, raunchy humor to be hilarious.
Jake Ryan - Sixteen Candles |
Ronald Miller - Can't Buy Me Love |
"Whatever happened to chivalry? Does it only exist in 80's movies? I want John Cusack holding a boombox outside my window. I wanna ride off on a lawnmower with Patrick Dempsey. I want Jake from Sixteen Candles waiting outside the church for me. I want Judd Nelson thrusting his fist into the air because he knows he got me. Just once I want my life to be like an 80's movie ... but no, no, John Hughes did not direct my life."
- Olive Penderghast in Easy A
Umm favourite 80's movie.. hmmm as awful as this is going to sound I get put off a lot of them due to their over loud soundtracks.. Was the Goonies at 80's vid? Cause I loved that too :)
The Arrival, book one of the BirthRight trilogy
LOVED Easy A. So funny!
Goonies - 1985. :) Yup, another great one. Hm, guess you've got to love 80s music to love those blaring soundtracks though.
Jake Ryan *sigh*
MY all time favorite ... hands down .... drum roll please ....
WORKING GIRL.... Who is more a classic 8o's stereo type than Joan Cusack as Melanie Griffiths's gal pal. I'm from NYC and yes, those girls were just like that, brazen, mouthy, big haired, and wearing tons of makeup.
Such fun. My other favorite .... The secret to my success. Michael J, Fox at his best....
Thanks for the flashback.
Michael - I forgot about Working Girl! But yep, now that you say it I can totally picture the awesome Joan Cusack...she's a Chicago girl, you know. ;) Can't go wrong w/ Michael J. Fox. I still love Alex P. Keaton.
Alex - haha. I think you've pinpointed the exact moment John Cusack's movie choices started going way down hill. :P
Andrea - Mystic Pizza is in my top 5 ALL TIME favorite movies! :D I don't even think of it as an 8os movie, because it's so timeless, you know? And again - canNOT go wrong w/ Michael J. :)
This is an easy one. Jake Ryan and the great scene when Long Duck Dawn jumps out of the tree and accoust him. And then when he goes looking for Molly and Long Duck Dawn answer the door and says you broka my face.
Or what about Wierd Science when the guys have the Bra's on there heads. Ahhhhhhhhh the good ole days.