Like Totally Interviewed

What do you get when you cross the Book of Psalms, Jane Austen, dating, and the 80s?  Three Daves.  At least that's how Alli Denning from Like Totally 80s sees it.  She recently read the book and asked me some great questions. What was fun about this interview was that Alli asked me some things that I've rarely, if ever, been asked, so I got a chance to give away some insider secrets, as well as look at my own story from a fresh angle.      


fallen monkey said…
Ah, the Memorex tape! Perfection. Okay, the Monkey is swinging over to read your interview now!
fallen monkey said…
Ooh, Nicki. Now that I see your penchant for Madness, have I got the pub for you when you visit...last went in February, and I see that it's featured in this week's Monday video of yours. Camden, here we come!

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