Love Genres #IWSG

Welcome to another chapter in "Holy s@*& I almost forgot IWSG day." Thank you again, Jennifer Lane for the very much needed personal reminder.

So, straight to the optional question of the month:
What do you love about the genre you write in most often?

I most often write chick-litty romance. There are two things I love most about the genre: 1) The excitement of realizing you love someone and that they love you back. 2) Lightheartedness. This life is filled with so much conflict and garbage that it's easy to become trapped in darkness. I choose to remain most often in light and fluffiness.

I look forward to hearing what draws you all to your genres and will be back later today to visit. Right now, I'm knee deep in a work project and about ankle deep in new snow I've got to get off my driveway (luckily, it looks to be light & fluffy. ;)).   

This post is part of the monthly blog hop/therapy session known as Insecure Writer's Support Group, founded by the one and clonely Alex J. Cavanaugh. Click below to join the group!


Your genre-joy is contagious! :) I wish sometimes that I could write "lighter," write humor, write FUN. But for me, it's mostly shadows and the things that lurk in them. And overall, I'm okay with that. Until it gets dark.... :o
L. Diane Wolfe said…
I like the joy of new love, too. Reliving it over and over in stories is fun.
Chrys Fey said…
Usually, I prefer something extra with my romance stories, but there's something to be said for simple, lighthearted romances. They are lovely. :)
The world is a heavy place - we often need those dashes of lightness.
I like reading romances that have a 'light hearted' touch. That's how love should be. Fun and happy.
Leigh Caron said…
I love chic-litty romance too. Nothing pleases like a scrumptious new love - and book.
Crystal Collier said…
I love that. See, I can't read "crying" books about sickness or degeneration because there's enough sadness in life. I don't want to read about relationships falling apart. I want to come away feeling happy. It's a cheesy place to be, eh?
Jennifer Lane said…
I had that holy shit moment last night and happily remembered this month. To be loved and escape life's heaviness are wonderful draws of your genre (that I very much enjoy reading!)

Hope the snow shoveling wasn't too bad. We had 3 inches this morning making the work commute quite the adventure!
Stephen Tremp said…
Hi Nicki, yes love and lightheartedness is what life is all about. Everything else I do not let in.

February 2018 IWSG Co-host
We need all the light-hearted moments we can get, in a world that is threatened by dark forces.
Carrie-Anne said…
I love a good happily ever after (or for now) too, though my characters only tend to get it after a lot of Sturm und Drang.
I love chick-litty, as you say, romances!!! We're having quite a snow day ourselves. Good Luck in getting yourself shoveled out. And have a nice weekend.
Olga Godim said…
I like chic-lit too, even though I don't write it. Its lightheartedness draws me in as a reader. It helps deal with the grimness of life sometimes.

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