Bring on 2018! #IWSG

Happy new year, everyone! Time to repair all of our writing regrets from 2017, right? So this month's optional IWSG Day question is quite appropriate:

What steps have you taken to put a schedule in place for your writing and publishing?

I've come to accept that the writing everyday thing just won't work for me. Weekend warrior is more my style. In 2018, my goal is to write a chapter a weekend until the first draft of my current WIP is finished. Then I'll dig in on the 2nd and 3rd drafts and hope to start sending chapters to my crit partner in May (get ready, Jennifer Lane!).

I don't plan to publish that novel until early 2019, but it's possible I'll get out a short story collection in the fall.

This post is part of the monthly blog hop/therapy session known as Insecure Writer's Support Group, founded by the one and clonely Alex J. Cavanaugh. Click below to join the group!

Wait! Before you leave... a bunch of us are celebrating the release of Chrys Fey's FLAMING CRIMES by telling you one weird thing we'd save if disaster struck. You can see my answer in the post below.


Jennifer Lane said…
Hooray for weekend warriors! I'm ready, crit partner--bring on the romance and humor!
Knowing how you work best is huge! Trying to wrangle your process into what you think it should look like is so not helpful.
Know your limits and work with them!
Nick Wilford said…
Do whatever works for you! I wish I could write on the weekends but my focus tends to drift. Good luck with your WIP!
Carrie-Anne said…
Good luck with your goals! You have to find what works for you, instead of forcing yourself into someone else's mold.
Pat Garcia said…
You know what is best for you. If for you writing on the weekends is the best, then go for it. Your creative spirit will appreciate it and will evolve more beautifully because you're writing in your flow.
Wishing you all the best for 2018.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat G
Loni Townsend said…
Sounds like you've got a reasonable plan for going forward. I wish you great success!
cleemckenzie said…
My motto is "Whatever Works." I'll bet you're very productive on those weekends. Glad you're in this therapy session. The more insecure writers, the better!
Unknown said…
The chapter a weekend plan sounds great. Wish I could do that myself, but weekends are often eaten up by sets of grandparents demanding we bring grandkids to visit them, so... I'll stick to my plan for 2018--write every morning before my day ramps up. Good luck to you. Happy writing, and happy 2018. May it bring you joy and success.
dolorah said…
Not everyone can write all day, every day. You are accomplishing the overall goal, a little at a time. That's awesome.
Stephen Tremp said…
Hi Nicki, long time no see. Here's to the Weekend Warrior in all of us. And here's to a healthy and prosperous 2018.
Julie Flanders said…
I'm planning to be a Weekend Warrior too. Here's to a productive year for all of us! Happy New Year!
Weekend Warrior sounds awesome!
I say whatever it takes to get those words out and onto the page...
Happy 2018, Nicki!
Sherry Ellis said…
I'm more the "warrior" type, too. But it doesn't always happen on weekends. Good luck with your WIP!
Crystal Collier said…
Weekends work too. Someone else was talking about how that was the writing method that works for them. If I worked outside the home, I'd probably get more done on my lunch break than I can ever possibly get done home schooling all these kids. LOL. Here's to weekends and making the most of them!

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