Happy NaNooing! #IWSG

HI, everyone! I've been absent from blogland, so I look forward to getting around today to see what's up with y'all. Since I'm using NaNo to get back into the swing of writing, the first half of this month's optional IWSG question is perfect for me:

Win or not, do you usually finish your NaNo project? 

Wellllll, I do NaNo a bit differently. Rather than a word goal, I have a minimum-writing-time-per-day goal. That's worked better for me in the past, so I'm doing it again. And it's definitely gotten me full-on back into writing mode by the end of the month, which is what I'll count as a finish.

Look at me talking all big on day one of NaNo. I think hopping around IWSG will be the perfect thing to get me inspired to rejoin you all in writing world.

This post is part of the monthly blog hop/therapy session known as Insecure Writer's Support Group, founded by the one and clonely Alex J. Cavanaugh. Click below to join the group!


Nicola said…
Good luck with your writing goals Nicki!
L. Diane Wolfe said…
Maybe if I tried that instead of trying to win big, I'd be able to do it.
Leigh Caron said…
I like your approach. Good luck and good writing!!!
However you get it done, do it, Nicki!
Jennifer Lane said…
How did IWSG sneak up again and I missed it! (I sort of copied and pasted your post to build mine, hehe.) I'm looking forward to reading the fruits of your November labor, critique partner!
Pat Garcia said…
I like your method. I think looking at fifty thousand words can make many people tired starting with day one.
All the best at whatever word count you reach.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat G @ EverythingMustChange
Olga Godim said…
I like your method. If you keep at it, even if you don't win by the official NaNo count, you'll win by your own.
That sounds like a perfect plan! I read somewhere about dong a 50 minute uninterrupted writing block every day. I tried it and that’s actually how I finished my first book. I hope you have a really productive November!
cleemckenzie said…
I like how you adapted NaNo to your writing style.
Nick Wilford said…
Best of luck this month! Here's to getting back into the swing of things.
That's a great approach to NaNo. Love how you made it work to fit your writing style.
Tara Tyler said…
a time goal is a great approach
i think any writing is a good day!
sorry i havent been around much - thanks for keeping in touch!
The time thing is such a good idea. I'm going to share that with friends who were frightened off by the word count. BEst of luck to you.
Crystal Collier said…
I hope NaNo was just what you needed and that you're totally in the zone, not frantically pounding out the last 25000 words in the last two days. =)

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