I Quit! #IWSG

Welcome to the June 2017 edition of IWSG. We're just trucking through the year, eh? I love this month's optional Question: Did you ever say “I quit”? If so, what happened to make you come back to writing?

Yes, I did intend to quit writing once. But I wasn't shouting it with a big exclamation point. I was whispering it to myself. It happened just a few months after I discovered my passion for writing fiction - when I'd learned how much time writing takes away from everything else. I had young kids at the time and a thousand-and-one other responsibilities  I told myself I had to stop.

That decision made me very, very sad. It didn't feel right, but while I was still trying to convince myself to stop, this song came on the radio.

I'd heard the song a hundred times before, but this time every single word zinged straight to my heart. The song was giving me permission to release my inhibitions and write my own story - figuratively as well as literally - rather than the story others would write for me.

Fast forward to 2017, and I'm struggling with the time thing again. I vowed to make June the month I kick my writing back into gear, and I know it's still early in the month, but last Saturday as I procrastinated getttng my butt in chair to write, I accomplished SO miuch! It has me tempted to stay away from writing a little longer. But I'll stick to my promise to myself to write something every day this month, and we'll see what happens  As Natasha sings, the rest is still unwritten...

This post is part of the monthly blog hop/therapy session known as Insecure Writer's Support Group, founded by the one and clonely Alex J. Cavanaugh. Click below to join the group!


Nicola said…
Thank goodness you are a fighter Nicki!! I don't think it's possible to give up writing. Other things to get in the way but that doesn't mean we quit. We are simply replenishing our creativity. Good for you, for sticking with it. Have a super month!!
Jennifer Lane said…
I love Natasha! She has a song, "Scars", that has great lyrics.

This blog hop is wonderful because I get to know new things about cool people. Like, Nicola, I'm so glad you stuck with it, CP.
Love that song!

Try not to be so hard on yourself. Start over today, start...now! :)
Crystal Collier said…
An awesome motivation song. I have a few of those--theme songs that keep me going. I'm so glad you found success on Saturday! Keep going!
You can do it! Still plenty of time in June.
Chrys Fey said…
Sometimes, when you whisper something, it can have a bigger impact, so I'm glad you didn't really quit.

Anonymous said…
Hey, if finding time is what gets ya down, then throw that ticking clock into the nearest creek bed. Why? 'Cause if ya can't see time passing, then you still have all you need. Heh heh

Your 'Nosey' bit of wisdom for today. You're welcome. *wink*
emaginette said…
I know it can be hard, but it's good to know you're winning this battle.

Anna from elements of emaginette
Janie Junebug said…
Breaks to accomplish other things are important, too.

First - WOW I LOOOOVE your book covers on the side. They're GREAT! I'm new to your blog, obviously, but I loved your story. I have young kids too and sometimes you have to do stuff for yourself. Okay, now, butt. in. chair. Lol.

Michael Di Gesu said…
Hey, Nicki,

Looks like you are still INSANELY busy. Missed seeing you this month. It's been tough. Perhaps we can still have our Taurus lunch in JUNE?

Now that Melissa is gone, you are my only writer friend in Chicago. So sad.... I miss her.

ANYWAY.... Hope all is well. Drop me a line if you have a FREE moment.
L. Diane Wolfe said…
Always something that comes up in life and it's hard to ignore family. But we can find a way if we want it bad enough.
Perfect song. I'm trying to make June a big month for writing too.
I'm actually trying not to push my writing too much this month, and it actually paid off with a couple of solid productive writing days this week. It's like when I don't put undo pressure on myself, I get more work done!

(Funny, that doesn't work at my ACTUAL job, but it's still nice when it happens)

Cherie Colyer said…
That is a great song. (I say as I procrastinate myself. I should be writing.) There's so much to do this time of year, I can see how it would be hard to find time to write. Good luck with your goals.
A. B. Keuser said…
One thing I've noticed about this community is how so there are so many fighters. Giving up just isn't in our nature.
Time is a problem especially now that school's out. I wouldn't trade the time with my daughter for anything but I'm going to have to get up earlier I'm the morning if I'm going to meet my self imposed deadlines. Tomorrow is a new day and another chance to get it right!

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