The Smallest Thread of Hope, an interview with Feather Stone #Forbidden
I'm thrilled to be taking part in the tour for this wonderful, wonderful novel. You can click on the graphic below to read my five-star review at Goodreads. For my part of the tour, I asked Feather to answer one question: If you had to pick one song that best captures the essence of Forbidden, which song would you choose and why? Feather Stone: What an honor to be a guest on the blog of my mentor. Thank you, Nicki. Forbidden required that I unleash my very best writing skill to expose Forbidden’s characters’ unforgiveable worst, deepest sorrow, most twisted truth. Hopelessness permeated the plot. I gave Forbidden’s protagonist characters the smallest thread of hope. Together Captain Sharif and Eliza discovered something that has no form, not bound by rules, and is without corruption. It is more powerful than weapons or armor. It is the power of love. Only through love did Hashim Sharif and Eliza MacKay discover the truth about their past and move be...