A HERO LOST Playlist #BookTour #Anthology

Yay! I'm so excited that I got to ask my favorite authorly question to a whole bunch of the fabulous authors with stories in the brand new Hero Lost anthology. Here is your awesome Hero Lost playlist: The Question: If you had to pick one song that best captures the essence of your story in the Hero Lost anthology, what song would you choose and why? Jen Chandler The song I would pick that best sums up the essence of my story would have to be Sarah McLaughlin's song "Building a Mystery" . When I first got the idea for "Mysteries of Death and Life", that song crept into my mind and never left. Honestly, the story that came to me was a lot darker than the one I wrote. I'd love to really dive deep one day, find the darker essence of my characters and their stories. Alas, word counts require condensing. Perhaps there's a novella here waiting to be written one day? Renee Cheung “Dust in the Wind” by Kansas is probably a good embodiment of “Me...