The Rule I Wish I'd Never Heard #IWSG #amwriting
Hi friends! Welcome to the first Insecure Writers Support Group meeting of the new year.
What has me insecure this month is that I wasn't able to return any blog visits last month. Every day I expected to find time to do it, and every day ended in failure. You see the problem, right? I expected to "find" time - when does extra time ever just jump out and shout howdy? Never. I need to make time. And that's what I vow to do this year, starting...NOW.
I'm also in anxiety mode this month over my upcoming release. The It Series will be complete on January 25! I'd love some support on this Thunderclap if you're willing & able. Thank you! And now on to this month's question...
I'm also in anxiety mode this month over my upcoming release. The It Series will be complete on January 25! I'd love some support on this Thunderclap if you're willing & able. Thank you! And now on to this month's question...
What writing rule do you wish you’d never heard?
Hmm...I've thought and thought about this, and I can't come up with one that I'm not glad to have learned. Maybe I just haven't learned enough of them yet to have found one I wish I didn't know. But sometimes, when I'm reading for fun and a book is driving me bananas because of excessive adverbs or passive writing or using waaay too many words to get the frigging point across, I wish I could unlearn all the rules and just enjoy the dang book. How about you - do you ever find that knowledge of the "rules" detracts from your reading enjoyment?
This post is part of the monthly blog hop/therapy session known as Insecure Writer's Support Group, founded by the one and clonely Alex J. Cavanaugh. Click below to join the group!
Wishing you an awesome 2017 and much success with your book launch.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat Garcia
You're right. There is not finding time. Only making time.
In the end, I'm glad to have learned the rules I mention in my post, but at the time I certainly wasn't happy about it. LOL
While knowing the rules hinders casual reading, it helps when reading submissions. When I hit a story that is both good and written well, it really shines.
Happy 2017!
Good luck with the upcoming release!
Happy New Year!!
You, bet! ALL the time. I very rarely enjoy reading as much as I used to before becoming a writer....
Happy New Year
Juneta @ Writer's Gambit
also wanted to thank you for supporting cradle rock =)
happy 2017
Tara Tyler Talks