Leveraging Time #IWSG #amwriting

In the first IWSG post of the year, I vowed to spend more time on writing and less time on all the other stuff that goes along with being a published author. So far so good. I recently finished the first draft on a new novel---hooray! But now comes the true test of my focus on writing.

As you may notice in my sidebar, I've just had three new novellas go on pre-order (a reboot of my debut novel). I've got to do something to promote them, but I've also got to be a ton more efficient with my marketing time than I've been in the past. That's were you come in...

I'd love any tips you have on effective ways to get the word out on a book that don't suck up exorbitant amounts of time. What promotional efforts give authors the best bang for their buck and minutes.


This post is part of the monthly blog hop/therapy session known as Insecure Writers Support Group, founded by the one and clonely Alex J. Cavanaugh.


Oh gosh! With my debut MG novel releasing in the fall, I've just started learning about all this marketing and promotion stuff. My head is spinning. But if I find some way to more easily organize it all I'll definitely post about it. Good luck to you!
Three? Awesome!
Have you set up a Thunderclap?
Jennifer Lane said…
Hmm, I know you're already doing a newsletter, and promoting sales won't work for $.99 books (or £99 books either tee hee). Is there some special promotion technique for novellas or serials? Maybe you could try hiring a PA for a month or two to check out its effectiveness.
Crystal Collier said…
Definitely newsletters, twitter, and thunderclap. Cover reveals tend to be awesome with low effort too. There really are no easy answers. Oh--goodreads giveaways. Also awesome. And Librarything giveaways (for ebooks), not as huge but reasonable results.

Crystal Collier
Leandra Wallace said…
Maybe organize a blog tour? It wouldn't have to be a huge one (those seem to take a lot of time and effort), but a handful of blogs that maybe specialize in romance? And congrats on finishing a first draft!
Well done on the focusing, and congrats on the first draft! :)
Congrats, Nicki! It's so exciting to see the new titles come out, isn't it? Dealing with sales expectations, well that's another story....
L. Diane Wolfe said…
Blog tour, Twiter party, Facebook party, Thunderclap - all of those are fairly simple.

Congrats, Nicki.
Thunderclap is something I am considering myself. I recently did a "Don't You Hate Blog Tours?" Blog Tour that was fun.

Here is my stop on L. Diane Wolfe's blog to show you what it was like:
Nicola said…
Great news Nicki. Wishing you lots of luck. Now I'm off to check out what 'thunderclap' is. Never heard of it. Have a great month and good luck with the marketing.
Anonymous said…
BWAH! You and me both. That marketing thing is ridiculous! Good luck on getting the word out!
F. Stone said…
Hi Nicki: Are you considering book blog tours? I'm thinking of contacting:

I see you're on The Romance Reviews; there are probably some options there that will bring attention to your novellas. Just hope you remember us little folk when you make it big, LOL.

Michael Di Gesu said…
Hi, Nicki....

Wish I had some MAGIC answers, but since I have nothing to promote, I have never delved into the different aspects of self promotion....

No wonder you are SOOOO busy.... I totally understand. I am here most of this month, so whatever day works for you...I don't have my closing date yet. I am leaving on April 30th for sure and won't be back until the later part of June or July.... but that may change depending on circumstances. But the April 30th date is set.
Juneta key said…
Congrats on the release of 3 novels, Wahoo! I have an Author Spotlight if you need people for a blog tour or whatever. The info about on my sidebar and in the menu under the tab. You would be welcomed.

Best of luck with the launch
Juneta @ Writer's Gambit
betty said…
Sounds like a cute blog hop! Congrats on the releases of your novels!

thanks for visiting me and blitzing me!


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