Something Wicked is Here! Congrats @CarolOates
It's heeeere, Something Wicked by Carol Oates.
Now available
Carol took time during her busy release week activities to stop by and answer one simple question:
For writing the 19th century scenes, I preferred something with a classical feel. I love Divenire by Ludovico Einaudi and listened to it while writing an early scene, which was particularly horrific for the main character. It was the scene where Henry goes through the final moments of his transition to a vampire. He doesn’t realize the extent of what has happened to him and is, in fact, filled with a sort of hope that he’s still alive and will see his family and his precious sister once more. This hope is cut short, followed swiftly by devastation and the corruption of his humanity when Henry takes his first taste of blood. The title is ‘To Become’.
A couple of times, Henry reflects on his nature as being somewhat stagnant, he talks about patience and habit as though he is stuck, which in his mind he is. He doesn’t see that the opposite is true and he is always in a state of evolution and on his way to becoming something other than what he is at any given time. As soon as one part of his journey completes, another begins. So, I think ‘To Become’ is very apt.
When I listen to a musical score in a movie and it is telling me how to feel through every second of imagery, I get frustrated sometimes. I like the idea of beautiful music and horror so my ears aren’t telling my brain I should be scared. I like the idea of being softly lulled with a rising dramatic score and feeling it in my heart rather than my ears.
When not writing, Carol can be found exploring history, old buildings, castles, and tombs.
I like the music choice.