Versatile...or Inconsistent?

The marvelous and loveable Janie Junebug has given me an award! The Versatile Blogger Award. I looked up versatile in good ol' Merriam-Webter, and here's what I found:

(1) capable of turning forward or backward
(2) capable of moving laterally and up and down

As I am capable of both (1) and (2), I shall hereby accept this award in good conscience. All I have to do is tell you seven things about myself. Prepare to be fascinated...

1. My favorite job ever was being a lunch lady at my kids' school.

2. I can't STAND to leave my toenails unpainted.

3. I complain about bunnies eating my plants, but truthfully I like it (I figure it's repayment for all my enjoyment of their cuteness).

4. There's only one show on TV that I must watch: Survivor.

5. I've watched every single season of it.

6. And I'm chuffed when people who've never watched a full season get all snootyish about it.

7. I wish Google, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon would stop vying to take over the world and each just stick to doing what they're truly good at.

I am now to tag 15 more bloggers, and I choose to tag the first 15 people to comment here. But please don't let that discourage you from commenting!  If you'd like to be immune from making an acceptance post, simply state "I found the hidden immunity idol" in your comment. :)


Congratulations! You need to plant a garden just for the bunnies.
The post title is funny-- and I choose versatile! I also am with you 100% on #2 and #7. I don't do awards any more or I'd go with this one just because your answers were all so clever and I'd figure I could be clever like this too, and then I'd just blow it. Which is why I no longer do awards :)
Julie Flanders said…
I can't stand when people get snooty about tv or any other entertainment medium. It's totally pathetic if you need to feel superior about what tv show you watch. Rolling eyes. Oh and I found the hidden immunity idol LOL :)
Unknown said…
Congratulations on your award. Your blog really deserved it.
Loni Townsend said…
Grats on the award! I found the hidden immunity idol. It's quite pretty in its own unique way. Is that nail polish on the toes?

I think being a lunch lady would be fun. :)
L. Diane Wolfe said…
Hidden immunity idol!

I wish I had toenails big enough to paint.
Johanna Garth said…
I'm with you on the painted toenails. Do you go for wacky colors? :)

And please, hidden immunity idol, Survivor girl!
Connie Keller said…
I love bunnies too! I've been known to hit the brakes in my car, point, and yell, "Look! Bunnies!" Thankfully, I've never been rear-ended. Yet. There have, however, been mutterings about whiplash.

I'm afraid I'll need to take the immunity idol--too, too swamped because I'm going on vacation! Woot.
M Pax said…
Husband Unit and I are Survivorphiles too. Can't wait for the next season. Unfortunately it's on at the same time as my only other 'must watch', which is Arrow.
Janie Junebug said…
I was frightened when I saw your title. I was afraid you meant me. I like #7 and I say, Enjoy the garden, bunnies. Obviously I'm not taking the award because I gave it to you, and it was very nice of you to accept.

Congratulations on the award! I must admit that I've never watched Survivor. I can't criticize all reality shows, though, since I also admit that I used to watch Millionaire Matchmaker.
geophf said…
Dearest li'l, much younger than me, sis,

I hereby dub thee: "versatileor" (look at the full URL for this post to get my ... 'joke.' Yeah. 'joke.'0

And I hereby declare: PAINTED TOENAILS (I NEEDED to know this, btw) AND CUTE BUNNIES (eating your plants). There's a story in there, somewhere, I'm thinking.

geophf said…
Dearest li'l, much younger than me, sis,

I hereby dub thee: "versatileor" (look at the full URL for this post to get my ... 'joke.' Yeah. 'joke.'0

And I hereby declare: PAINTED TOENAILS (I NEEDED to know this, btw) AND CUTE BUNNIES (eating your plants). There's a story in there, somewhere, I'm thinking.

Cherie Colyer said…
Oh! I am not liking bunnies at all! Love the painted toes. =)

Congrats on the award.

(I'm going to have to declare immunity, but I enjoyed your post.)
Nicki, congratulations on your award!! This calls for cake. I love bunnies. I get to happy every time I see one. Love your blog! Have a great weekend :-)
Suze said…
Grape toes!!

And very well-said on no. 7.
Jennifer Lane said…
Purple is my favorite color! And I always keep my toes painted too. Not my fingernails--just my toenails!
Congrats on the award Nicki! I haven't watched Survivor in years because I never did get over the Richard Hatch debacle. He was clearly hoarding food!! Anyway, it's a great award and I wish you a fun rest of the day.
Purple pizzazz! I love the

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