26 Letters and 25 Roses - Reflections on #AtoZchallenge

Two years ago when I participated in the A to Z challenge, I thought of myself as a failure because although I posted each day of the challenge, I didn't visit many other blogs beyond repaying the visits of those who'd commented on my posts. My schedule just wouldn't allow for more than that. This year ended up being pretty much the same, but you know what? I'm counting it as a success.

My choice was to either do what I could do or not participate at all, and although I certainly wasn't a power AtoZer, I had a great time reading the posts I did get to and was still able to form connections with new bloggers. Like Stephanie Faris, for example. She did a highly enjoyable A to Z theme on indulgences, and every time I stopped by, my eyes wandered over to her sidebar to the adorable cover for her novel 30 Days of No Gossip. So when she asked who wanted in on the reveal for her upcoming book, 25 Roses, I was all meeeee!

Thank you A to Z organizers & helpers for facilitating this fun event. You all did a great job, and the blogging community is stronger for it. And now, get ready for that cover reveal...

So cute & fun, right? Feel free to stop by Stephanie's place to tell her how fabulous it is. Here's the story blurb:

Valentine's Day means one thing at Stanton Middle School: students will send each other chocolate roses. Each year, Mia Hartley watches while the same group of students gets roses and everyone else is left out. This year, she decides things will be different. As the student assigned to write names on the cards, Mia purchases 25 roses and writes her own cards, designating them to 25 people she's personally chosen. But she soon learns that playing matchmaker is much more complicated than she thought it would be.


When you get a lot of comments, sometimes maintaining is all you can do. No worries!
Glad you participated again. You had a fun theme.
Stephanie Faris said…
Yay! Thank you, Nicki. And I'm so grateful to the organizers of the A to Z challenge because it introduced me to great bloggers like you.
Julie Flanders said…
I met Stephanie through the A-Z too and am so glad I did! Your 90s theme was a lot of fun.
L. Diane Wolfe said…
i loved the trips back to the 90's. I knew I couldn't keep up this year which is why I chose to skip.
Stephsco said…
I loved your 90s theme--I read through a bunch of them last week.

Here's my A to Z wrap-up post. I also have an End of Challenge book giveaway going on for either contemporary romance or contemporary YA.
Kyra Lennon said…
You went into the A-Z Challenge with the same attitude as me - do what you can and have fun! :D I loved your theme!
Michael Di Gesu said…
Hey, Nicki,

You and I did exactly the same. I couldn't visit as much as I would've liked, BUT I did complete the challenge and showcased 26 amazing books. So I feel good about that!

I met a few wonderful blogger too....

Congrats to Stephanie.... LOVE this COVER... It's sweet and nostalgic at the same time....
Misha Gerrick said…
Very eye-catching cover. The story sounds fun too. :-)
I really enjoyed your theme. My kids were little during the 90s so I really missed a lot of stuff. Like your attitude about doing what is comfortable.
Suze said…
That looks like a right sweet book by Stephanie. :)
Stephanie's book is awesome. I just started it and it's one of those stories you want to keep reading.

I didn't even try the A-Z this year. I'm doing such a horrible job getting around to blogs, I'm a little ashamed of myself! So, I wasn't going to add anymore responsibility.
Jennifer Lane said…
I am way impressed you attempted A to Z, and you got every post done? Wow! Excellent job. And your theme was way fun. And that cover is adorbs!
Janie Junebug said…
I enjoyed your A - Z-ing.

Anonymous said…
This was my first year doing A to Z and I basically did what you did -- tried to branch out when I could, but work schedules and two little girls often made that difficult. Plus I was sick for a week and slightly unprepared, which didn't help matters.

Good on you for helping out with Stephanie's cover reveal. Congrats on completing the challenge, and good luck to Stephanie with 25 Roses!
A to Z is so much work. After doing it one year, I decided I'll just enjoy the posts, but I can't commit the time.

Stephanie's covers are so cute!
debi o'neille said…
Congratulations on making it to the finish line. I'm happy dancing for making it. Great cover. It blends well with her first book. :-)
Deb@ http://debioneille.blogspot.com
Bonnie Gwyn said…
Aw, so cute! Way to go on surviving the A-Z. :) It's definitely crazy! You did what you could. That's what matters. :)
Where Legends Begin
You had a great theme!
However, between the hectic schedule including visiting and admin duties, I just wasn't able to visit as often as I'd have liked to.
(I DO love it when I spy your trademark gorgeous pink Mary Jane's over at my place...)
Tara Tyler said…
i loved your 90s pop culture posts! that last one made me especially wish the 90s were back...

and stephanie's books are adorable!

ps - thanks for commenting on my cover reveal!
B~Natrelle said…
Hello there.
Congratulations on completing the challenge! Thanks for sharing. I'm just stopping by briefly as I drive around on the 2014 A-Z Road Trip…don't forget to wave when you see me go by! (lol)

Entrepreneurial Goddess

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