WIP: The Movie

Pop that corn and grab a cozy seat, because today is the WIP: The Movie blogfest, hosted by Kyra Lennon and Rachel Schieffelbein.  Thanks for coming up with this fabulous idea for a fest, ladies!

I've been so excited about this because, come on, who doesn't imagine their literary babies up on the big screen one day? And do you know what's great for keeping track of visual collections? Pinterest. Sooo, I give you my WIP in board form:

In case you don't recognize that lovely man in a suit, it's Chris Pine, playing the male lead, Hayden King, in a contemporary office romance that is chick-litty in temperament. Pine came immediately to mind as the confident, smart, sorta cocky, but ultimately irresistible associate. Anna Kendrick plays the sarcastic and cynical yet playful female lead, Lyssa Bates. So far I've only cast one side character, and that's BBT's Kaley Cuoco as Lyssa's bitch sister.

You also get a peek at the urban setting with the beautiful Chicago skyline and a taste of the soundtrack. This story is set in modern day, but like I say in one of the captions---you can take the girl out of the 80's but you just can't take the 80's out of the girl. Hall & Oates capture the peppy beat of the story, Depeche Mode makes an excellent backdrop for a farmhouse bed scene that's a particular favorite of mine, and Addicted to Love would be a good alternate title for the story as our girl becomes slightly addicted to battery-operated love when she's disenchanted with real men. At the moment, I'm calling the story Vibrizzio.

The marvelous and extremely helpful Jennifer Lane has been my crit partner on this story, so I'm extremely curious to know---how did I do with the casting, Jen? Is this how you pictured them? 

P.S. On a completely different note, I'm putting out a call for prayers for my dad. He was recently diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer (man never smoked, looks like it was asbestos that did it) and there's a 15% chance it can be treated with a non-chemo drug that's proven highly effective. I would appreciate any and all prayers for him to be in that "lucky" 15. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


I'm sorry, Nicki! I will definitely be praying for your father. God knows how to do miracles.
Kyra Lennon said…
Oh my gosh, before we get on to the bloghop, I'm sending your dad and your whole family best wishes, and hoping he gets well soon! <3

I can't tell you how intrigued I am by your book/movie! It sounds brilliant! I love your casting picks - Chris Pine is SO hot!

Thanks for being part of the hop!

Definitely sending prayers your way. Good luck.
Cool cast, the WIP sounds great!
Unknown said…
I am so sorry to hear about your dad. Sending prayers your way!!

My WIP link: www.morgankatz505.blogspot.com
L. Diane Wolfe said…
Prayers for your father that the drug works.
M.J. Fifield said…
I'd see anything that had Chris Pine and Anna Kendrick in it. Great choices!

Sending you and your family all the positive vibes and well wishes I can muster...
Unknown said…
Your cast so far is amazing. Anna Kendrick is so, so fabulous!

Sending prayers for your father and your family.
Nicki Elson said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tara Tyler said…
that cast would be awesome for any ROM COM!
tho chris pine is a little too good looking for my taste (ha!!)

sounds like an awesome new book - make sure i can help with release! vibrizzio is a cool name!! and the 80s just rock!

ps - will be praying for your dad. so sorry to hear. keep us updated, as you are able.
ilima said…
Pinterest is my new best friend...great for writers. And my prayers are with your dad. :(
Sarah Foster said…
Great choices on your cast. So sorry to hear about your dad--sending prayers your way!
Janie Junebug said…
I am praying and shall continue to do so.

LD Masterson said…
Nikki, a few weeks ago I put out a prayer request for a friend who was in critical condition with a massive infection. May people let me know they were praying for him. He was critical for almost three week then turned the corner and is now in rehab and on the road to recovery. I believe in the power of prayer and I am praying for your dad.
Definitely sending prayers for your dad.

Love Pinterest for the ability to pull together all kinds of great images for a book. And Chris Pine? *fans self* Definitely sign me up!
F. Stone said…
Your dad's recovery is foremost in my thoughts; Reiki is being sent to give him what he and his higher self may allow to receive. Blessings to you and your family. JFS
Anything with Chris Pine and I'm in! :)
Julie Flanders said…
I'm so sorry about your Dad, Nikki! I hope he will make a full recovery and that the non-chemo drug will do the trick. Will be thinking of him and sending all kinds of good thoughts your way.

Great casting choices!
My thoughts are with you, your dad and your family. Strength in numbers.

This story sounds great and I can't wait to read it.
Love Mr. Pine!

Love your cast. Chris Pine is the hotness, but Anna Kendrick... she's my girl crush.

I'll send some good thoughts up into the atmosphere for you and your dad.
Sorry about your father. Sending best wishes his way. Cool cast.

Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.
Toi Thomas said…
I so late to the party in more ways than one. I so need to set up a pin board like this. Coo cast.

My prayers go out to you and your family.
Jennifer Lane said…
Nicki! Chris Pine? CHRIS PINE? He is so yummy and I totally approve of him as Hayden. You know I'm a sucker for gorgeous blue eyes and he's certainly got 'em. And I also love Anna Kendrick's quirkiness and humor. Excellent choices, my dear.

Praying those meds will work for your dad!
So sorry about your father Nicki, but where there's life there's hope. Great casting by the way. I would love to see Chris Pine and Kaley in a movie together.

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