A Friday Quickie - Book Signings

Just popping in to let you know that I'm over at Savvy Authors today talking about the benefits of live signing events.  So if a signing event might be in your future, please stop by. That site requires registration to leave a comment, so feel free to leave your two cents here if you prefer.  Happy Friday! 

The Real Reasons to Do Live Signing Events

In other news, I have an unusual offer on the table
A signed copy of Divine Temtpation is up for grabs at Goodreads.


I bet the wine shops were a lot of fun for a book signing! I haven't done but a couple live appearances. They still scare me.
M Pax said…
I've done a street fair, but no book signings yet. Perhaps one of these days... If some other authors do it with me.
I'm not even close to doing a book signing. First, I must finish THE book.... Sounds like fun work to me though! (BTW I LOVE your book cover!) Christy
Suze said…
Just read your post over at Savvy Authors, Vebs. I love the idea of live readings and can't wait to attend one of yours. Let's hope the stars align for that. I'm all complacent about the signing bit since I already have my personalized copies of Three Daves and DT. ;)
Janie Junebug said…
I think I might need to finish a book to have a signing. I don't have any problem finishing someone else's writing. It's my own that slows me down.

Cherie Colyer said…
A great read, an awesome bookmark, and some wine... you're book signing was a lot of fun!
Julie Flanders said…
Enjoyed your post over at Savvy Authors. I've been kind of intimidated by the idea of a book signing so I appreciate the inspiration to give it a try. :)
DL Hammons said…
I went by and checked it out. A well thought out, informative and entertaining article! Well done! :)

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