On Jinxing

Do you believe in Jinxing? Not the kind where you say the same thing at the same time someone else does and then you pinch and poke and owe someone a Coke. I believe in that kind of Jinxing too; that's just not the kind I'm talking about today. I'm talking about the kind where you make something happen, or not happen, because you so much don't/do want it.

Like you plan for something, prepare, get all your ducks in a row, count all your chickens, other cliches concerning fowl that are eluding me right now, and then BLAMMO, the thing you were preparing for ain't gonna happen. Or at least not in the way you expected. When something like that happens, do you feel like you were the cause of it? Like you showed the universe too much of your heart and it smacked you down?

If you get what I mean, and it's ever happened to you---what do you do afterward?

And since we're thinking all philosophic-like, you might want to skip down to the post below to sign up for a very fun bloghop that'll really get you digging deep inside yourself.


Suze said…
I've been thinking about you a lot this morning so maybe an entire email is in order instead of just a blog comment BUT here's my response to your interesting inquiry.

Yes. I believe that what we think influences what happens. But I don't believe that wanting something too much is what hinders its fruition. Now this is gonna get all woo-woo, at least a bit, but I think sometimes, fences inside us create fences outside us. Not always, but sometimes. If there's ambivalence inside, stemming from issues that may have absolutely nothing do with the manifest situation, it still may crop up as, if not a dealbreaker, then an obstacle.

Does that make sense? Of course, it's just an opinion. And one that, even if possessed of a grain of truth, might not apply here at all -- knowing the gory details of your particular conundrum as I do.

Sending you a Dr. Pepper in lieu of a Coke, all nice and icy and fizzy with just a touch too much syrup. And all my love and support.

LD Masterson said…
Sometimes the thing you're preparing for doesn't happen because something better is on the way.
Johanna Garth said…
Uh-oh! I hope everything is okay. I do believe in jinxing and not just the kind my kids do.
D.G. Hudson said…
In physics, they call this 'threads of possibility'. Each one can lead us a different solution depending on other variables.

Which one we select may be determined by fears or walls within ourselves, as Suze said. I try not to dwell on the negative, even though I'm a bit cynical. Don't want to pick up the wrong thread, you see. Maybe we have more mind control than we realize - I like that thought.

I'm in on the bloghop. I've put the BFTF bloghop badge on mny Rainforest page to show my support.
What do I do? Resort to Plan B.
A lot of times things won't work out the way we want them to, but they often work out the way we expect them to.
Michael Di Gesu said…
Yes, I believe in it...

I just shake my head, mumble a few curses under my breath, and trudge on... What else can we do?
Linda King said…
In a strange way I do believe in jinxing - the sort where you say "Gosh, I haven't had a cold for ages" and then forget to touch wood and two days later you have a cold. I also have a sense that wishing ill on others will backfire on you, so I never do. With bigger things, though, like wanting something to happen, I take the view that whatever I want or don't want, what will be is still going to be. Interesting post!
Unknown said…
I sometimes believe in jinxing when I'm hoping for something really big or good. I always try not to jinx it. I also try not to jinx myself into bad things happening.
I'm not going to get philosophical. I can't believe you have jinxing over there as well. We have it over here and if you get the jinx in first you can dead arm the other person every time they try to say something.
Ugh. My kids have just learned about that first kind of jinxing and they do it all the time now!
As far as the second kind, I think all you can do is go to Plan B (or make one up real quick) and just do your best to keep moving forward.
Best of luck!
Luanne G. Smith said…
Sometimes I think the Universe has a really twisted sense of humor. But a lot of times when I don't get something I want, or thought I wanted, it's for a good reason, like something else I need even more is on its way.
Janie Junebug said…
I believe. I don't dare to expect that something good will happen.

Jennifer Lane said…
Interesting question, Nicki! I believe that the "energy" we put out there can affect what comes our way, but I also think there are a lot of aspects about life that are out of our control.

If jinxing means you get all tense to try to prevent something or make something happen, maybe our own anxiety can get in the way?

I've also wanted something so bad then didn't get it and the end result was better than if I'd gotten what I thought I wanted!
I am always afraid of jinxing myself! I do quite a bit of knocking on wood.
Gina Gao said…
No, I have to say I don't believe in jinxing, mainly because I'm not superstitious. (But the idea of a Coke sounds attractive).

Anne Gallagher said…
I jinx myself all the time. I forget to knock on wood. And man, I really should.

I like to think something better is on its way, but as a pessimist, it usually doesn't happen. HOWEVER, that being said, I am ususally quite releived that whatever I was gearing up for, I now don't have to do.
Tara Tyler said…
the murphy's law jinx! been trying to meet a friend at the gym for 2 wks and something always comes up on my end or hers! with our kids & traveling hubs, this is not surprising...but it looks like we are jinxed! i went alone last night...ah well! hard to find mommies on matching schedules!

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