I'm Thankful for My Readers Hop

Today Tara Tyler and Vikki are giving us an opportunity to thank our especially special readers in this lovely pre-Thanksgiving hop. 

The best thing anyone can do for a writer is to read what they've written; therefore, I'm grateful to anyone who's ever read anything I've ever written. And I'm especially grateful to those readers who take the time to let me know what they think, whether in person, through a private e-mail or in a public review at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, a blog, or all of the above. 

Life is busy, and sometimes the simplest things are the first ones to get brushed aside (don't I know it) so whether someone puts together a multi-paragraphed, thorough review or types out a couple sentences highlighting their overall thoughts on the story, I appreciate it so very much. 

One particular person I need to thank is someone who's real name I don't even know.  I only know her as ILoveNeville over at harrypotterfanfiction.net.  She was my very first reviewer---and for several chapters my only reviewer---on the first story I ever put out for public consumption, and despite my profuse thank yous after each review, I'm afraid she'll never know how truly much her enthusiasm meant to me.  At the time I didn't share my writing with anyone I knew real life, so her words gave me the validation I needed to know that I didn't suck and the encouragement to continue doing this thing I love so much. 

Speaking of little things that get brushed aside, this blog hop inspired me to finally tackle a certain pesky task as a teensy way to show my appreciation to readers.  I signed up at Authorgraph, so I can now provide free personalized e-signatures! The service is intended for e-readers, but it comes to your e-mail as a separate pdf, so even if you have paper copies of my books, you can print the Authorgraph & tuck it inside the book. All you have to do is visit my Authorgraph page and click the request button.   

Right then, time to read more heartwarming tales of writer/reader love at this Linky


That's a cool feature. Will visit the Authorgraph page.
I don't have time to read all the books I purchase, but I do purchase every book my blogger buddies write. So I'm just as grateful for those people who purchase mine.
Tara Tyler said…
sweet! will it show up on my copy?
i am thankful to know you! always been a sweetheart to me! some day we'll meet irl!
Suze said…
I love the 'story' behind your interaction with ILoveNeville.

I love her for it. Nick, you should be encouraged in every way. I love your voice, I love your optimism, your infectious sense of fun.

I love your blog and I'm so, so glad we've 'met' as a result.

(Okay, that's a lotta love.)
Johanna Garth said…
Isn't it amazing how encouraging those early anonymous reviewers can be!
Sherry Ellis said…
This is such a nice way to thank those who encourage you!
VikLit said…
Thank you for joining in the bloghop and what a lovely post. I love that you thanked the first person to comment and help encourage, how nice!
Tonja Drecker said…
That's a lovely story. Its amazing how often people we never really get to know can have such a huge influence on our lives.
I've never heard of the e-book autograph. What an interesting concept!
Unknown said…
I love that someone, whose name you don't even know, had such and impact on your life. What a wonderful blogging world we live in.
Janie Junebug said…
This post is lovely. Isn't it great to have a blogging family and to be so loved by people we've never met?

Morgan said…
So happy to be connected, Nicki! Writer friends are THE BEST... truly. How have we not connected before? And fabulous post...
Livia Peterson said…
I'm happy we're connected too, Nicki! I think I friended you on Goodreads ;)

We have a fabulous online writing community and there's a lot to be thankful here! The connections we've made, the friendships we've encountered online, etc. are unforgettable and amazing! :)
M Pax said…
Neat. I didn't know that existed. I'll have to check that out. I loved Three Daves.
Heather Murphy said…
"The best thing anyone can do for a writer is to read what they've written"...So true!
Thanks so much for offering the authorgraph! I had heard of that before but didn't know how it worked.
Samantha May said…
On a similar note, I'll never forget how excited I was when I got my first blog comment :D I felt like maybe this blog thing would work out after all! New follower. Nice to meet you!

Writing Through College
Melissa said…
Great post!

Thanks for visiting my guest post at Livia's. :)
Crystal Collier said…
*raises hand* Newest follower here. =) Isn't it great to be anonymous sometimes? If only pseudonyms worked 100% of the time.

I know what you mean about those early supporters. One of my best friends from 4th grade has cheered me all the way. Nice people rule.
That's a really cool feature. I love your thankfulness for a reader you can't even find.

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