The Next Big Thing - Actors & Agencies

Today we resume The Next Big Thing, in which I answer questions about my current work in progress.  Since I skipped last week, I'll answer two questions today.

Question #4: Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

I hesitate to answer this question.  Y'see, when I read, I like to form my own picture of a person and I don't like it when I read something after the movie's been released, because then I can only picture those actors.  So I don't want to put pre-pictures in your heads and would rather have you form your own, okay?

Although...well, there is one character for whom I pictured a certain actor, so I suppose it wouldn't hurt to give you a peek at him.  This is Maggie's ex-husband, Carl Brock:

Richard Burgi.  Recognize him?  He's been on a bunch of TV shows, including Burn Notice, Chuck, Desperate Housewives, One Tree Hill, Castle, CSI: Miami, Harper's Island, NCIS, plus a bunch of shows I've never heard of before. You might say he's a prolific guest-appearer ...and I smile every time he shows up.

The reason he's perfect for Carl is because he carries a certain self-assurance, which can often crossover into arrogance, yet he's also got a big likeability factor, and deep down, I'm just sure he has a good heart. How could anyone with such mesmerizing eyes and such a strong jawline have anything but?

I answered question #5 a couple weeks ago, so now we skip to:

Question #6: Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

I am very thankful to be represented by Omnific Publishing. Omnific is a small publishing house that was founded in 2009 with a motto of "Romance Without Rules." They are the publishing company that gave Three Daves a shot back in 2010, and I was very happy with the experience, so they were my first choice as publisher for Divine Temptation, and I was thrilled when they offered me a contract.


Suze said…
It seems like some characters might be loosely based on someone in terms of their looks and others just spring out of imagination. You can't cast the whole lot without getting a little lost in the effort, I think, because some characters defy that.

Nick, it's very cool to see you releasing your second book, happy with your first experience. I do read about a lot of authors unhappy with one part or another regarding their experiences with agents, editors or publishers and you seem to really be on top of your choices with that so big fat kudos.
Johanna Garth said…
The book sounds great. Glad you're so compatible with your publisher!
Congratulations on your second book!
And hope you are checking out some of the blogfest posts. You just might be surprised...
Congratulations on the contract! I can understand your hesitation about choosing actors to play your characters. Sometimes who they are and what they look like can change as we write more about them.
There have been times, though, where I'll see someone on the street and think, "She looks just like the kind of person I imagined my main character would look like."
Janie Junebug said…
What if "Three Daves" were made into a movie? Who would play Jen and the Daves?

LD Masterson said…
One problem with being a senior citizen - when I think of an actor I'd like to play one of my characters, I always have to add - "when he was younger" or even "when he was alive". So disheartening.

I'm glad you're in a happy relationship with your publisher.
Ciara said…
Congrats on the second book. Oh, make sure you take note of Alex's comment. :)
Tara Tyler said…
you found my post! yeah!
and look at you, going & growing!

keep it up!
Jennifer Lane said…
The selection of that actor intrigues me...hasn't he often played a charming man with a tinge of sleaze? And if it's her EX-husband, hmm.

Hooray for Omni publishing Divine Temptation!
Heather Murphy said…
I can't wait to read Divine Temptation! The character you described sounds interesting.
I'm usually disappointed by casting choices of characters from books too, but I have to have someone in mind when writing.

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