I'm Feeling...Transitional

You've caught me in a perfect state of limbo, the great in-between. School starts next week, and yesterday we got locker assignments, so it's no longer summer but it's not school yet either. I've just finished up a big project for work and won't be able to bring myself to look at the next one until tomorrow...at the earliest. Yesterday I finished reading a great book (On the Jellicoe Road) and I want to let it simmer a bit before jumping into the next one.  I've taken my latest writing projects as far as they can go for the moment---wrote & submitted a short story and signed a contract for my next novel (Yay!)---and I'm taking August off from writing to decide what to work on next. Plus all the familial birthdays and celebrations are past, so there are no parties to plan for a good few months...

I'm not used to not being squashed under twenty bazillion things to do so this feels very odd.  But I don't want to start into anything big because come next week, at least nineteen of those bazillion things will be once again upon me. So...maybe...maybe I'll just start by doing the dishes and go from there. I suppose after that I could have a workout, and the garden could use a little love.  Oh right, I never finished reading that Sherlock Holmes short story I started, and what about catching up w/ Dr. Who before the next season starts? Yikes, I should probably go to the store to buy the kids new folders & pencils & stuff, eh? Well, what am I sitting here for when I've got all these things to do??


Sounds like you have enough going on already!
Here come another bazillion things.
It sounds like the in-betweens. Blogging is a perfect activity for the in-betweens so I think you are doing exactly the right thing!
Suze said…
There is an olde saying that goes like this: 'Doe the nexte thing.'
I know that feeling, but I too always have dishes to do!
DL Hammons said…
I call your twenty bazillion things and raise you twenty bazillion more! :)
Janie Junebug said…
I always hated buying back to school stuff. The teachers always put at least one item on the list that was impossible to find. They did it to punish the parents.

Heather Murphy said…
Congratulations on your contract. Enjoy the rest of your month with no worries. I like your new blog look
Jennifer Lane said…
Hey Limbo Woman! There will always be lots to do when it comes to having kids, eh? I'm feeling sad my favorite season is ending, especially the shorter days part. I think it's smart to take some time off writing before beginning a new project. Happy August!
Cherie Colyer said…
You've been busy!! And you almost had some down time, until you thought too hard and rattled off a list of things you should be doing. Try to enjoy the break from your bazillions things!
Cherie Colyer said…
Oh! And I wanted to tell you I love the picture!
Susan Oloier said…
Enjoy the in-between time. It's so few and far between :-)
Arlee Bird said…
Dishes are always a good place to start. Then you can start with a clean plate.

Wrote By Rote
Sometimes I feel that way in August, but since this is my last year of teaching, I've been very energized in my writing and getting a lot done.
Michael Di Gesu said…

Glad I got to see you before your transition and your BAZILLION things to do. LOL.

Need a laugh? Drop by blog for the WHAT IF ... blogfest. I have a twisted fairytale that I know you will love.lol.

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