Writer's Insecurity #3: Time

Don't you just love it when stars align?  When pondering which of my many insecurities to post about this month, it hit me---my guest yesterday, Susan Kaye Quinn, addressed one of my biggest writing issues: Making the time to do it (I almost said "finding the time" but let's face it, a big ol' bucket full o' mythical extra time is NEVER going to materialize) and then Enforcing that time.  

This mostly sounds like a discipline thing, but for me, discipline isn't the problem.  It's insecurity---the insecurity that adhering to my writing schedule isn't a good enough reason to say no to...well, just about anything else that wants my time.  Susan provided a marvelous and validating pep talk for those of us struggling with this issue in her guest post yesterday, so please scroll down for a  little reinforcement.
Goodness, did I almost forget to thank our illustrious host?
Thanks Alex!!!

Well, well, look at that, it's Thurday already and time for the 
Author! Author! Blog Bounce.  

You can get more info. here, and also link in and/or follow along w/ the marvelous authors on the list. 


Stina said…
I have no trouble making time for my writing. Making time to clean the bathrooms, now that's another story. ;)
Anne Gallagher said…
That's where I am now, trying to make time. I think I've got to go on hiatus. Or something. Get off the blogs most likely.
DL Hammons said…
Time is an issue for me as well, and what's even worse is that if I ever do become published finding the time to do all of the marketing & promotional stuff will be problematic. But I'm always up for a challenge! :)
Suze said…
Hey Nick, that was excellent. Short and fiercely to the point. Thanks.
Tara Tyler said…
guilt is the driving force keeping me from writing more.
but i hate my housewife job!
Arlee Bird said…
Great point. Making the time for priorities is one of our biggest issues in life. Of course it helps to identify one's priorities.

Tossing It Out
Unknown said…
I'm with Stina...Unfortunately, my kids need clean clothes and I can't stand dust so cleaning always interrupts my writing schedule. Like today. And! Social networking...that ones tough too. Like now...when I should be writing or scrubbing a toilet yet I can't resist the call of the laptop ;) Nice meeting you today! Hope all is well.
Hart Johnson said…
Man--I would LOVE to find that bucket of extra time! I have tried to advocate for a 30 hour day, but so far, no response. I am NaNoing, but compared to last time, I've taken on an exercise program with neighbors which also has some social time, and then my hubby is working evenings, so I am cooking more (gads, I hate cooking)

It's making it all a lot harder. Good luck making time!
No, thank YOU, Nicki! I need to MAKE the time to get working on my next novel. And I definitely have my motivation now.
M Pax said…
I quit feeling guilty over it. Took awhile.

I'll add that Three Daves is awesome.
Isis Rushdan said…
I definitely carve out time to write. Now I need to carve out time for the rest of my life, lol.
Janie Junebug said…
Writing tends to interfere with my sleep schedule. Everything interferes with my sleep schedule. I'm tired.

Unknown said…
I know what you mean. It's like writing isn't good enough/worthy enough to take time away from something else that's "more important". But it is!
dolorah said…
Yes; making time to write, and enforcing my butt-in-chair concept to make some progress.

I'll check out the post.

Jessica Bell said…
It certainly is hard to "make" time to write. Gosh, so many of my problems could be solved if I could "find" it! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Appreciate it!
Southpaw said…
You know, that makes so much sense. As a matter of fact I should be writing right now. :p
Chemist Ken said…
Most of the time I have for writing comes late at night when everyone else is in bed. Unfortunately, I've found it's really hard to write anything of quality when my mind keeps drifting back to thoughts of curling up in bed.
Debra Anastasia said…
Finding time is hard. Ignoring the stuff to get that time is hard too! Like the laundry and dusting and hair brushing. Great post.
Jennifer Lane said…
Excellent point. My family still hasn't really seemed to accept/support that I'm a writer and that the best time for me to write is on the weekends. So when they ask me if I'm free on a particular weekend, I often don't say no to protect that writing time.
Linda said…
Good discussion of a situation that effects all authors. Nice to hear others' thoughts about it
Cherie Colyer said…
Great post. Getting past that insecurity is something all writers have to concur.
Donna Shields said…
Great post. I'm trying real hard to nail down a schedule for my writing with the new job and all.
Old Kitty said…
Awwww - you deserve your alone time with your writerly goals and dreams - yes you do!! Real life will just have to learn to leave you alone for when you are scheduled to write. Yay for you! take care
Elliot Grace said…
...I think perhaps this may be the best blog fest I've stumbled upon thus far. What a fabulous way of revealing our levels of confidence, confiding in each other of how intimidating this industry really is, and the insurmountable odds surrounding its success rate.

Well done,Nicki ;)

i'm trying to deal with this insecurity.....lol sometimes though lack of progress leads to more

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