Getting Book Reviews #IWSG January 2021
Hi, guys! Happy 2021. We made it, right? After going MIA in December, I'm back to take part in the January IWSG . This month, I'll share my strategy for garnering the all-important book reviews. This one got kind of long, so I tried to lay it out for for easy skimming. As I said in my last post, I'm not an expert on book marketing, so this isn't exactly advice. I'm simply sharing what I've learned in case you might find a tidbit that helps in your publishing journey. (It also serves as a "note to self" for the next time I publish something.) Release Week Review Strategy 1) Submit ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) to Review Sites The Goal: I did this in hopes of receiving early reviews from established review sites so I could pull blurbs from the reviews for release day promo on social networks, etc. Submitted to two review sites that had each favorably reviewed some of my previous books - Fresh Fiction and The Romance Reviews . I submitted to each more...