Happy Halloweenie! (Heavy on the weenie)
Now that's what I call a treat. :) Made extra special because it was sent to me by the absolutely fantabulous Girl Wizard, or as you may call her, Suze at Subliminal Coffee . One of my goals in this life is to see David in person---sans the bag, of course. I was soooo very close once, but planes and trains didn't cooperate, so I was stranded in a darling string of villages on the Ligurian Sea *sigh* (poor, poor me, right). But until I finally meet him, this lovely card will get me through. Also, apologies for not being around your places of late---October has pretty much wiped the floor with me schedule-wise, but I have high hopes for a lighter November. Praise God I'm not doing NaNo! But right now, I must rush off to the next disaster. Oh, but before I go---my words have been assigned for the Realms Faire to be held at M. Pax's place November 11-15. The magic words are Divine and Three, get used to saying them. ;) You can click here to see the super aw...